Liz 26th May 2020

All my memories of Andy are holiday ones! With Sam, Jody and family in Whitby or on glorious weekends. Who can forget 'Whack the banker', an austerity version of splat the rat on Southwold Pier, as he and Sam competed to thwack and ring the bell. Wreathed in giggles, Hester and I watched them both trying out the weirdest amusements they could find. We climbed the lighthouse, took in an amazing view and repaired to the Adnams store. At Whitby there were lazy afternoons at the beach hut, with tea and Botham's buns, watching the youngsters dip in and out of the sea; at tea time, maybe a cheese feast, expertly chosen by Andy with a connoisseur's eye. Treats, - posh fish suppers at The Magpie, taking it in turns to 'mind the queue', the endless queue, and the pleasure and delight when we finally reached the top of the stairs! And ice creams from Beacon Farm kiosk on the harbour side as dessert. Andy and Sam, with far more stamina that I can muster, ending evenings of folk music at the 'Late night at the Met' ( should be called early morning at the Met) where the Wilsons would belt out amazing harmonies and they'd come back discussing which was the best song, and would Martin Carthy have done it differently! Last year we spent the day with Andy at St Albans Day of Dance, a hugely enjoyable ramble through the town meeting up with old friends, watching the dancing from riverside to cathedral, the sun shone, we drank beer and ended up at a music session in a back street pub. Looking back it was a perfect day, sadly that weekend was the last time we met, but what a memory to treasure. He was the most kind, open-hearted, and generous man. We will miss him dearly. Love to Hester and Freya, and Andy's love ones, Liz xxx