Carole 13th May 2020

I have happy memories of our families getting together when we were younger and playing with cousin Andrew, some of which is recorded on cine film. On one occasion we met at Nana and Grandpas' house in Huby near Harrogate and Grandpa took us to the local Weeton summer fete. We were probably about 4 and 5 respectively at the time and cousin Trina, Andy's sister, was in a pushchair. Grandpa bought the three of us a balloon and for some reason the black colour came off on to our clothes and faces. Nana was absolutely furious that Grandpa had been so irresponsible and didn't speak to him for a week! Another memory is at my cousin Sarah's wedding Hester and Freya couldn't go as I think Freya had broken her arm on a school trip so there were two spare places next to Andy and his brother Euan. They put their jackets over the vacant chairs and when the server came round pretended the missing persons had gone to the toilet and subsequently had two extra meals. Hester has been brilliant at motivating Andy when his physical health suffered in later years meaning that he could still have a full life with lots of travel opportunities. Thanks to her we have got many happy memories of family get togethers. We will miss him.